Discover the power of words and language to recruit and retain top performers

Katherine Wiid, founder of Recrion and Career Ambitions, is one of just 550 people in the world to have mastered a psycho linguistic conversational tool called the LAB Profile.

We will be looking at LAB Profiling, which allows Katherine to listen for the hidden unconscious motivational triggers that show up when people speak and act.

Have you considered this as part of your business’s recruitment process?

Join Hayley Murfitt & Katherine Wiid for a fascinating insight to:

  • The valuable insight LAB profiling offers into understanding what makes that person tick
  • Recruiting people into the job role in which they will thrive and be most productive
  • Who will complement your team and how to become aware of your own motivators at work
  • Results and case studies of the benefits of LAB profiles in the recruitment process

Click below to register and join us for an insightful episode with an interactive Q&A.

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