Anthias Consulting develops strategic partnership with the ASTG at The Open University

Anthias Consulting has developed a strategic partnership with the Applied Science and Technology Group (ASTG) at The Open University to provide theoretical and practical training courses in gas chromatography, comprehensive gas chromatography and mass spectrometry.

One of the Applied Science and Technology Group’s (ASTG) central themes in building on the existing strengths in researching and developing instrumentation for planetary sciences is focus on providing education and training. This ranges from a role in the establishment of a Foundation Degree in Analytical Sciences tailored specifically for the needs of the UK Water Sector, through to provision of theoretical and practical training courses in gas chromatography, comprehensive gas chromatography and mass spectrometry in partnership with Anthias Consulting Ltd.
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Through the Agilent Centre of Excellence in Comprehensive Chromatography based at The Open University, ASTG can focus on providing an Anthias Consultancy Training Facility for the high-quality, affordable, instrument-independent training courses that can boost your knowledge, confidence and results in all aspects of gas chromatography and GC-MS. These courses have a strong practical focus which can be applied the instant you return to your lab and are applicable to all levels of experience.

Anthias Consulting also deliver hardware and software training on behalf of Agilent Technologies Customer Education at the ASTG facilities and it is possible to access analytical chemistry and microbiology laboratories for sample pre-preparation where required.

The center boasts a wide range of equipment from multiple manufacturers covering instrumentation in gas chromatography such as comprehensive multi-dimensional gas chromatography, PTV injectors, autosamplers, thermal desorbers and pyrolysers.

This enables the ASTG facilities to cover a wide range of analytical techniques, including:

•    Comprehensive gas chromatography by thermal and flow modulation (GCxGC-(ToF/q)MS, GCxGC-FID, GCxGC-ECD)
•    Gas chromatography – mass spectrometry (GC-MS, EI and CI)   
•    Gas chromatography – flame ionization detection (GC-FID)
•    Gas chromatography – electron capture detection (GC-ECD)
•    Split-Splitless injection
•    Programmable Temperature Vapourisation (PTV)
       o    Large Volume Injection
       o    Cold injection(Image removed)
       o    In-liner derivatisation
       o    Thermal desorption & Pyrolysis
•    Thermal desorption
•    Pyrolysis
•    Headspace analysis
•    Solid Phase Micro-Extraction (SPME)
•    Stir Bar Sorptive Extraction (SBSE)
•    Automated liner exchange
•    External derivatisation
•    Automated sample preparation and introduction via a range of autosamplers

For more information about courses held at ASTG please email .


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