Tame your computer - fabulously fast filtering

In her regular series for Cambridge Network members, software training expert Karen Roem offers handy tips to help you 'Tame your computer'. This week she describes how to filter data quickly (Excel 2010-2013).

Do you know what you don’t know? I don’t!

Even though I’ve been using Excel version 2010 for ages and have done various “What’s new in Office 2010” rollouts, I was still using old habits when it came to filtering data in a list.

OK, I use the new date, text and number filters and the PivotTables slicer (I don’t think I ever wrote a tip about these, so watch this space) but it wasn’t until one of my course participants pointed out the Search box that I realised I had been missing a trick.

Here’s how:

1.       Click on the down arrow at the right side of the heading’s list box.

2.       Click in the Search box (or press ENTER seven times ;) and start typing your search term.

3.       Press ENTER.

Thanks, Stuart! This sure beats CTRL+F and right-clicking the cell to filter. I now not only use this fast filtering in Excel lists, but also in PivotTables!


PS I'm committed to sharing the best of what I know with others so please don't keep these tips a secret. If you enjoyed today's tip, please forward it to anyone you feel may benefit or reprint it  (with full copyright and subscription information) in your newsletters and message boards. Got a tip to share? Submit it by emailing karen@roem.co.uk - if your tip is selected, I'll publish it along with your name; the bragging rights will last a lifetime.

4 August 2014

Karen Roem offers software training and support through her company Roem Ltd.  Contact her by email (Karen@roem.co.uk) or visit her website at http://www.roem.co.uk

Please note: Cambridge Network and Learning Collaboration members have the opportunity to book places on Roem Ltd courses at a reduced rate.


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