Tame your computer - download a free calendar

In her regular series for Cambridge Network members, software training expert Karen Roem offers handy tips to help you 'Tame your computer'. This week she describes how to download a free calendar for 2015 (Excel 2007 onwards)...


Have you started making appointments for 2015, but haven’t bought a new calendar as yet? Well, there's no need to rush out to the shops… Excel offers lots of calendar templates that you can easily adapt for your specific needs.

Here’s how in Excel 2007:

1.       Click on the Microsoft Office button and click on New.

2.       On the left side of the dialogue box, underneath Microsoft Office Online, click on Calendars and click on one of the links. (Don’t worry that it seems to stop at 2012; you can easily amend the year.)

3.       See step 3 and 4 below.

Here’s how in Excel 2010:

1.       Click on the File tab and click on New.

2.       Click on Calendars and click on one of the folders. (Don’t worry that it seems to stop at 2012; you can easily amend the year.)

3.       Decide which calendar works best for you (if you click on one of the templates, it appears in a larger view on the right hand side of the dialogue box) and double-click its name to download it.

4.       Change the year, introduce pictures of your own and modify  the font and font size to your heart’s content.

 By the way, I got a bit carried away when I was writing this tip - using the Small business calendar (any year, Sun-Sat in Excel 2010) template - so if you want to download a calendar for 2015 with some of my favourite shortcuts for each month on each separate worksheet, have a look at www.roem.co.uk/2015_tip_calendar.xlsx

PS I'm committed to sharing the best of what I know with others so please don't keep these tips a secret. If you enjoyed today's tip, please forward it to anyone you feel may benefit or reprint it  (with full copyright and subscription information) in your newsletters and message boards. Got a tip to share? Submit it by emailing karen@roem.co.uk - if your tip is selected, I'll publish it along with your name; the bragging rights will last a lifetime.

18 November 2014

Karen Roem offers software training and support through her company Roem Ltd.  Contact her by email (Karen@roem.co.uk) or visit her website at www.roem.co.uk

Please note: Cambridge Network's Learning Collaboration members have the opportunity to book places on Roem Ltd courses at a reduced rate.


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