Cambridge Filmworks has the vision to help combat colour blindness

Cambridge Filmworks has created a stylish animation that demonstrates the innovative new colour blindness technology developed by Cambridge based company Spectral Edge, specialists in research into image and colour perception.


The cutting-edge EYETEQ technology – Eye2TV – is a smart HDMI adaptor that enhances images and video, adding a totally new level of detail and colour definition, for colour deficient TV viewers. 

If you suffer from colour deficiency or colour-blindness, then the Eye2TV adaptor will help you to better see TV and video game content. It enhances the picture so that red and green features and objects can be easily distinguished and the content made more pleasing. If a family member other than yourself has colour-deficiency, the enhancement can be adjusted to suit both their vision and yours so that you can watch TV or play video games together. The power of the Eyeteq technology inside Eye2TV is that the picture looks better for everyone.

Filmworks director Richard Millen commented: "We used a mix of bold animation alongside actual demo footage to showcase this cutting edge new technology for the very first time. It’s a fantastic plug in adaptor for your TV or computer that enhances visibility, improves colour rendering, and regularly wins in side-by-side preference experiments."

To view the Eye2TV animation please visit:

To find out more about Eye2TV please visit:

To back Eye2TV development please go to:


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