Smart working or engineered serendipity? Knowledge Management in practice

We all know the benefits of networking – but can we improve on it? ‘Engineered Serendipity’: creating a situation or event where a discovery can be made by accident, was the subject of a highly interactive and enjoyable closing event as part of Cambridge Award Week at Granta Park.

Delegates from Granta Park’s on-site businesses, One Nucleus’s 460+ strong membership, and other Cambridgeshire-based businesses gathered for a workshop last Friday on ‘engineered serendipity’ and a taster of RiverRhee Consulting’s course on ‘Smart Working for Business Growth and Innovation’.

The intensive and interactive two-hour session saw delegates introducing themselves using a ‘Lean and Six Sigma’ tool, solving each other's work-related challenges in a ‘Peer Assist’ format, brainstorming ideas for improving networking-related processes, and tapping into the expertise available within the room using ‘Ask the Expert’.

Says Elisabeth Goodman of RiverRhee Consulting “the approaches used illustrate how people can use structured business process improvement and knowledge management techniques to share knowledge and generate solutions to a specific problem or learning goal. This could be with their own colleagues or with people outside their own organisation.”

Feedback on the event, which was all very positive, included: “Of greatest value to me from the workshop were the interesting new approaches to knowledge dissemination”; “I will use the advice that I got through the group discussions”; “I will try to introduce some of these techniques into our management & team meetings”



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