Cloud gives birth to Rosie ideas

An eye-catching ‘thought cloud’ depicting feedback from the first ever maternity workshop at has been given pride of place at the Rosie Maternity Hospital.

The workshop, entitled Whose Shoes?, uses a board game to spark open, honest conversations between staff and the women who use Cambridge University Hospital services.

The Rosie hosted the workshop to gain a better understanding of families’ needs and the artwork’s prominent display in the main reception signifies staff’s commitment to listening to feedback and making the service even better.

The next workshop is from 3.00pm to 6.00pm this Friday 20 April 2018 at the Hexigan, located in the Frank Lee Centre at Cambridge University Hospitals. It is open to anyone who wants to share their experience of childbirth at the Rosie. This time there will be particular focus on the fathers’ perspective.   

Anna Shasha, head of midwifery, said: “We are delighted to introduce Whose Shoes? to the Rosie and we look forward to many more after a hugely successful first workshop.

“It is important that we at the Rosie listen to the people who use our services and the poster will hopefully attract more people to come to our next event.

“The more feedback we get, the more information we have to make a difference, so I am encouraging as many people as possible to attend.”

Whose Shoes? is the brainchild of Gill Phillips, who set up Nutshell Communications to help spread the concept as a way of increasing empathy and compassion.

Image: Anna Shasha (second from the right, bottom row) with colleagues from the Rosie in front of the ‘thought cloud’ inspired by the first Whose Shoes? event

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