Research finds 100% of candidates say it’s ‘very important’ to enjoy their job.

At the Cambridge Network Recruitment Evening on 4th July 2018, Career Ambitions asked candidates about their career motivations. The results were clear – candidates are prioritising satisfaction when it comes to work.

In fact, 100% of respondents said it’s very important to enjoy what they do for work (not surprising, when you consider that the average human spends 90-100,000 hours at work in their lifetime). 

This is good news for employers and candidates alike. An employee who enjoys their job will be motivated, challenged, driven and enthused about going to work. Which will result in less staff turnover, higher staff retention rates and greater loyalty from their team. What’s not to like? 

This focus on job satisfaction is undoubtedly an explanation as to why half of the UK workforce will be changing jobs in 2018 (according to research from Investors In People). In a bid to find their ideal careers, UK talent is jumping ship, looking for better managers, higher pay levels, and more career progression opportunities. 

Career Ambitions’ research echoed this, with candidates stating that career development opportunities, good communication with managers and colleagues, and being a great culture fit are the most important aspects that influence their enjoyment of work.   

The research by Investors In People also found that employee disengagement is costing the UK economy £340 billion annually. That’s a huge cost for a relatively small economy, so this shift towards a satisfaction-driven workforce is positive. As managers know, more engaged, motivated and driven employees lead to higher productivity levels, higher success rates and better overall workplace morale. 

How can companies ensure their employees stay motivated and engaged? 

Drill down into what your employees really want. Ask them! And listen to what they say.

  • Are they looking for higher pay?
  • A competitive benefits scheme?
  • A more flexible approach to working hours?
  • Support from someone external so they can voice concerns and talk through challenges?
  • More career progression opportunities? 

The benefits of retaining employees are endless – saving you time, money and staff morale. UK companies need to focus on improving employee enjoyment levels, which will have a knock on effect on staff retention rates (rather than being forced to replace top talent).

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