Women! Apply (by 4 February) to join PA Consulting's free coding course

PA Consulting is working with Code First: Girls, who run free in-person part-time coding courses for female/non binary identifying young individuals across the UK and Ireland.

Code First: Girls Spring 2019 Cambridge General Beginners Coding Course

APPLICATIONS CLOSE: Monday 4 February at 23:59.

Course dates: Wednesdays 13 February - 3 April, 6.30-8.30pm (8 weeks)

Location: PA Consulting, Global Innovation and Technology Centre, Back Lane, Melbourn, Herts SG8 6DP

You will learn how to build a website: ​HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Git, GitHub collaboration, and more (front-end programming).These languages teach you how to make a website, how to improve its design and how to push it online. A great chance to learn new skills, expand your network, maybe even change your career?

To be eligible to apply for any free community course you must identify as a woman/non-binary and be...

  • Aged between 18-23 OR
  • Aged 18+ and currently studying OR
  • Aged 18+ and completed studies (of any kind) in the past two years.

Register here: https://codefirstgirls.typeform.com/to/y4eYNC

More about Code First: https://www.codefirstgirls.org.uk/free-community-courses.html

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