Breheny engineer achieves Chartered status

Breheny Civil Engineer Joseph Hardwick has been awarded membership of the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE).


Joseph has met all the requirements of the ICE’s Chartered Professional Review and is entitled to add the letters MICE to his name and adopt the Institution’s own protected title of ‘Chartered Civil Engineer’.

He was presented with his membership certificate on Monday (19th) by ICE President Sir John Armitt at a special ceremony held at ICE’s headquarters in Westminster.

ICE Regional Director for the East of England, Glen Own said: “Achieving Chartered Civil engineer status is a significant personal and career achievement and I welcome Joseph into the ICE.”

Joseph is a Sub Agent for Breheny, he said: “Passing the review was my reward for four years of study, at the University of Bristol, followed by another four years hard work in the industry. I was so elated after finding out my result, the feeling was made even better, by the fact that my girlfriend and all of our close friends sitting at the same time had passed too. Chartered Engineer status from the Institution of Civil Engineering is the recognition of all of our hard work to progress in the profession.”

ICE's professionally qualified grades of membership are internationally recognised and highly valued. Attainment is widely viewed as a significant achievement and a benchmark of an engineer's competence and professional standing.

Joseph continued: “The hardest thing on my route to becoming chartered was balancing my increased responsibilities and workload as I progressed my career, with extra reading and activities outside of work. My friends in the industry helped keep me motivated to reaching my goal.”

He grew up in Gislingham and went to Hartismere High School. He said he chose civil engineer because it gave him the opportunity to solve complex problems on a daily basis. And he urged others to consider it as a career.

“Expect to work hard but be rewarded by great projects and great people, the opportunity to travel and see the world. The highlight in my career was managing the installation of two bridges across the A24 near Horsham. I was very proud to have completed them so early on in my career.”

ICE membership is available to civil engineers, technicians and technical/scientific specialists at every stage of their professional career, from students and apprentices to senior board directors.


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