How accurate are your employees?

Local accuracy experts Scott Bradbury were recently asked by the Chartered Institute of Payroll Professionals to share their insights into why it pays to be accurate.

Catherine De Salvo, Managing Director of Scott Bradbury, says: “Accuracy within payroll is crucial. And the good news is that typically, most competent people have an accuracy rate of around 97% so most of the time everything works fine. But that 3% error rate is a killer in terms of wasted time and damaging repercussions.

"Making an error in someone’s name or transposing a couple of digits takes a matter of seconds. Finding it again, so you can put it right, can take hours, days or even months, depending on how quickly the error is picked up."

What makes Scott Bradbury the experts in accuracy?

Scott Bradbury, based just outside Newmarket, delivers Accuracy programmes to companies and individuals worldwide. The programmes are developed to improve attention to detail, productivity and efficiency. Typically, once they’ve completed a course, participants reduce their error rate by 50-60% and increase their processing speed by 7%.

Practical ways to improve your people’s accuracy skills.

As humans, we don’t set out to deliberately make mistakes – so it’s no good telling your people to be more accurate. Scott Bradbury’s training courses equip participants with practical tips that can be taken away and are proven to improve accuracy. By developing your people’s critical thinking skills, they will be more likely to spot the problems which computer programs and systems often miss.

Can you spot the hidden mistake?

Mistakes are nearly always hidden from view – until you spot them. Carefully follow the instructions given in the diagram here. Your challenge is to find the hidden mistake. Did you spot it? If not, email for the answer.


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