How to put off an employer in 140 characters

When job hunting on social sites, it is good practice to speak as if you were in an interview. It is important to show your personality, but without putting off potential employers.

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The ONE Group writes:

A decade ago no one could’ve imagined the power of social media, or that more and more of us are taking to social platforms to job search. However, not everyone knows how to use it. If used correctly, social media can propel your application to the top of the pile; used incorrectly and you could ruin your chances. Your social media channels can open the window from your professional life to your personal life and it is important to manage the both correctly, it makes it easier than ever for an employer too see what makes a prospective employee tick.

To use social media correctly you need to create the right impression. It is a good idea to split your profiles, LinkedIn is the best professional network to be noticed on, get your name in front of employers and connect with people in the same field as you. Facebook and Twitter can also give great outcomes if used correctly, here you can show off your personality, comment on news and industry articles and follow company accounts you are interested in. When following on Twitter do not be disheartened if the person does not follow you back, or your InMails or messages to people within the organisation are ignored, these conversations can happen but it is best not to force them.

It’s also a good idea however to change profile photos to a slightly more professional shot. It doesn’t have to be a company headshot but definitely not one taken in a night club or anything controversial.

Prospective employers will most likely look for you on social platforms before an interview or offer letter, so when job hunting through social media make sure whatever you are putting out on these sites you would be happy for your boss or even CEO to see as well. Any offensive language or depending on the role, political debating, bashing your old employers or inappropriate photos could put an employer off despite your experience.

Don’t let 140 characters ruin your chances.


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