Maximising the value of people - fundamental skills for engineers to optimise.

An interactive webinar examining the role human skills play in the engineering optimisation process. 

Institute of Chemical Engineering

The Institute of Chemical Engineering (IChemE) Tyneside group is holding a webinar on maximising the value of people - fundamental skills for engineers to optimise.

As chemical engineers, the team are well practiced in the concepts of optimisation, and risk assessment, but just because we are good doesn't mean we can't be better. The focus tends to be on the processes and the machines, but what about focusing on the way we think? The fundamental skills that help us maximise efficiencies and keep the plant safe.

This free and open to all webinar is a journey for engineers to step outside their comfort zone and an opportunity to think of things in a different way; perhaps even to break down unspoken barriers between departments.

To illustrate the skills and communications needed to realise the full value of individuals, teams and to optimise the outputs for the business. Giving attendees the tools to apply the skills to their own situations.

Cambridge Business Network member Sara Penrose of Sara Penrose Ltd will be one of the speakers. 

17th February 2022 1830-1930 

All the details are available here. All welcome

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