Review, Refresh, Revive

Want to make sure your talks and presentations are always full of energy and impact? Simon Hall says this quick and easy insight can help…

I was paid a lovely compliment when I was lecturing this week:

   - I’m always amazed how you put so much energy and enthusiasm into your talks when you’ve done them many times before.


It was a good point.

This particular lecture, on careers in the media at the University of Cambridge, I had given four or five times before.

But it still worked well, the feedback was great and I very much enjoyed the session, as I hope you can tell from the photo. 


Which set me wondering: how I did manage to keep interested and enthused, giving the same talk time and again?

Not to mention - most importantly - making the audience feel they were special, the only ones who had ever heard it.


But then I realised…

Of course! The answer was obvious:

   - It wasn’t the same talk. 


To explain:

I have a firm principle that every time I teach, I review how the session went afterwards.

That goes no matter how many times I've delivered it. 

It’s a painfully honest process sometimes.

Looking at what went well, and what didn’t work.

But it’s always necessary to improve, and thus worthwhile. 


However, as I’ve now realised, it’s more than just the desire to learn, grow and get better in what you do.

Critically, the review process also leads to renewal.


The changes I make in an attempt to improve my performance mean that no talk is ever the same as the last one.

Everything has something a little different to it, which keeps me alert, helps with the energy levels and enthusiasm.

And makes each session as good as it can be for that audience…

Not to mention the presenter!

Which is a big win too. 


So it’s a short blog this week, with a simple insight, but an effective one.

If you want your talks and presentations to be as good as they can possibly be…

To ensure they have real impact, and are remembered and appreciated, no matter how many times you’ve given them…

Always review, refresh, and revive.

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