What’s an endpoint (and should you care)?

Every endpoint in your organisation can be an entry point for a cyber-attack.


Breathe Technology writes...

Any device that connects to your network is an endpoint.  That includes tablets, smartphones, printers, point of sale devices, even your thermostat!

The number of endpoints we have is always increasing. So it’s crucial for you to take endpoint security seriously.

It’s as easy as accidentally clicking a link in an email from your ‘bank’ (spoilers, it wasn’t really your bank) and downloading a malicious file that launches a damaging cyber-attack.

We can help you keep your endpoints – and your wider systems – secure.

Shall we talk? Call us on 01223 209920 if you need any advice, or hit reply to this email. Alternatively, visit our website at www.breathetechnology.com and use the live chat.

For further info on Cyber Security, go to https://breathetechnology.com/cyber-security/

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