Money Stories: What’s really stopping you from earning more? (Online Workshop)

A free workshop for business-owners, entrepreneurs, self-employed people & other go-getters to talk through what's holding you back financially. With Robyn Drew, Founder and Head Coach of Glowbe.

Trees growing out of little piles of coins. Text reads "Online" and "Allia".

Money Stories: What’s really stopping you from earning more?

Robyn’s answer is your thoughts and emotions.

Rarely do we look under the surface of our behaviours, structures and processes to see what’s subconsciously driving our results. That’s what we’re doing here.

In this workshop you’ll uncover how you’re holding yourself back from growing your business and getting paid what you deserve, and what to do about it.

Robyn Drew, Founder and Head Coach of Glowbe, has increasingly observed how one's money mindset (= the story they tell themselves about their money) keeps them stuck because of the emotions and beliefs at play under the surface of their goals and dreams. She’s seen it in herself, in her clients, and in her nearest and dearest around her. And she's used the insights and methods you'll learn in this workshop to shift from your status quo.

She’ll cover the following topics:
· The relationship between money, time and energy
· The relationship between money, giving and receiving
· Scarcity vs sufficiency

Then together we’ll explore the most simple and effective coaching tools in the market to help you change your money mindset, and thrive in your business and personal life. It’ll be authentic, vulnerable, and provide an opportunity for you to shift your beliefs and emotions.

And: you’re driving the bus! Throughout this workshop you choose how much you’d like to explore and share. Robyn will guide accordingly. Pressure: off. Transformation: on.

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