Avoiding the void

Here is a life hack that generates respect and confidence with the investment of just a few seconds of your time, writes Simon Hall...

If little things mean a lot, this one takes just seconds but can bring rich rewards. 

I've been juggling some major projects, which means the usual trying to prioritise and make sure I get everything done...

Without breaching the obligatory high standards. 


It's good to be busy, but it brings pressure -

Which is only enhanced by the fact that I don't work with people I don't like, and whose products, values and missions I don't respect. 

But! There is a way through the tangle, if you adopt a simple and straightforward strategy that a strangely large number of people seem to find very difficult indeed. 

I call it avoiding the void and the strategy goes like this - 


A call, or email comes in, with a request for help. 

But I'm in the midst of a job and up against it. Do I...?

(1) Ignore the inquiry until I have time to deal with it

(2) Respond immediately, explaining I'm busy at the moment but will get back to them by 2 o'clock / within the hour / tomorrow morning, depending on the urgency and my current situation


I always manage some form of response within minutes, and it's been a big surprise to see how well that's received. 

One client told me it was rare for people she worked with to do it, and she very much appreciated it. 


Why does this simple trick work so well?

Turn the situation around and imagine yourself in the other person's shoes. 

You've got something important that needs doing... maybe for a key customer... you're worried about it... you can't move on with your work until it's resolved...


How do you feel if you don't get an answer to your question quickly?

When the only response is nothing... a vacuum.  

At best, not impressed - losing confidence - getting annoyed - quite likely taking your business elsewhere.


It only takes seconds to produce a quick holding response, no matter how busy you might be. 

And it's well worthwhile doing - 

Because avoiding the void is easy, impressive and effective.


By the way, I'd be interested to know if you've had the same experiences, or feel the same way. Let me know in a comment, or through the website.

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