Cash neutral market research can help transform your business

The TSB Smart Scheme part-funds technology innovation and its exploitation for a wide range of companies and the Proof of Market element can provide you with critical knowledge on new markets and new product opportunities. The next round of this rolling scheme closes on 29th January 2015.


While market research is highly desirable for many companies, tight budgets and limited cash can make funding such work a real problem. Qi3 has developed an approach for such companies with innovative technologies that can solve this conundrum for you. When working with its clients to apply for TSB Smart or Catapult funding, Qi3 has developed a project structure which uses contributions in kind to address the funding gap.

As a result, you will gain three major benefits:

  • Understanding of key market / customer dynamics and strategy options that will support fund raising, product development and sales growth
  • Involvement of your staff to increase their market knowledge and skills
  • Project funding that doesn’t require additional company cash

Examples of our work can be found at

For further information on this funding scheme, please visit Qi3's website at:

Contact Robin Higgons today for a free consultation on how the TSB Proof of Market scheme and Qi3’s cash neutral approach can help transform your business.


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