Five easy ways to motivate your remote team

A business will not be successful without the right people. Many companies invest heavily in the recruitment process to ensure that they hire the right people. But you have to keep employees motivated beyond the initial recruitment and onboarding phase.

Alice Thynne of Neaves and Neat Employment Services

Alice Thynne of Neaves and Neat Employment Services writes:

It is one thing to motivate employees when they are all in the same vicinity. But it is another thing when they are no longer in the workplace and sitting in their makeshift home office.

So, what can employers and managers do to ensure their employees are engaged and productive whilst working remotely?


One of the challenges remote workers face is the ability to separate their work from their private lives when both happen at home. And with easy access to work emails through personal devices, there is a danger that employees will be logged-in outside of work time.

CV-Library found 72% of the 1,200 UK employees they surveyed said they’ve sent work-related emails or had calls outside of their work hours. Allowing such habits to build-up is not only damaging to employee’s mental health but their motivation levels too.

Employers need to set boundaries on timekeeping and proactively encourage colleagues to switch off their work communications outside of business hours.


Working remotely, for some people, isn’t that different from working at work. Managers still need to clearly define responsibilities, expectations, and deadlines, as well as checking in on their team members. But, beyond that, there’s no need to be micromanaging them. Get out of their way and let them do their thing. It’s a simple way to keep them engaged and motivated.


Working remotely doesn’t mean the fundamentals of a strong company culture change. They are solidified further. It is still essential to hire the best people for your company, create traditions so people feel included, give employees a sense of ownership over their role and allow people to have a voice and an influence.

In a recent episode of the East Anglia Business Webinar, Helen Ginman, Director of Unique and Inclusive Wellbeing explained that “it has never been more important as business owners to show that we care. […] Employees want to know that they are being put first.”


Communication can easily slip when you’re working remotely. That is why it is essential to over-communicate plans and feedback. Ginman reiterates that “employees want to feel like they’re being put first in business”.

Communicating remotely doesn’t mean an abundance of purposeless emails. Even though you may not be able to see your team in person, there are a plethora of different tools, paid and free that can allow for meaningful and instantaneous communication between colleagues.

It’s also critical for your team to have conversations that aren’t about work—the way you would at work. Consider hosting a virtual happy hour, or encourage your team to take part in a fun activity, like a quiz. These relaxed conversations are essential to team building.


Another way to motivate your team and show that you trust them? Emphasise what is produced instead of focusing on when and how much.

During the recent webinar on Motivating Your Remote Employees, Sharon Jones, Group Head of Talent and HR at GRCI Group explained that managers need to “Set expectations and make sure they [employees] have everything they need. Just because someone is working from home does not mean they are forgotten about.”


Managing and motivating a remote workforce requires the same basic approach as a traditional office environment. However, the tools and strategies you use to create connection, keep the lines of communication open, and manage performance will need an upgrade to keep up with the challenges of the remote workplace.

Overhaul your approach with these tips to ensure you’re aligned with your team to maximise their talent and potential and catapult productivity to the next level.

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