Textiles the focus for Korean collaboration

Granta was delighted to welcome a delegation from the Korean textile industry to its Cambridge headquarters this week. The visit was a result of a collaboration between Granta and DYETEC, a leader in dyeing and finishing technology for high value-added textiles.

Granta is providing DYETEC with materials information technology that will support the creation of a database of textile materials and their properties, in support of the Korean Textile Material Information Centre. The testing of textile samples to generate the data for the database will be performed through a collaboration between DYETEC, a number of Korean textile producers, and the Korean Institute of Industrial Technology (KITECH). The project is also supported by the Korean Evaluation Institute of Industrial Technology (KEIT), a government-affiliated organization under the Korean Ministry of Knowledge Economy.

The visiting delegation included representatives of DYETEC, KIETCH, KEIT, and other partner organizations in the project. Professor Mike Ashby, Chairman of Granta, and Mr Jeon Sung Ki, Head of DYETEC signed a Memorandum of Understanding outlining Granta's support for the project.


Granta: www.grantadesign.com

DYETEC: new.dyetec.or.kr/english/introduction.htm

KITECH: eng.kitech.re.kr/

KEIT: www.keit.re.kr/eng/



Stephen Warde
Head of Marketing 
+44 1223 218013 / +1 800 241-1546


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