Free webinar | Belbin Remote and Hybrid Working Survey - The Results

Belbin has been studying virtual and hybrid teams since COVID. Join us to discover how productivity and engagement have fared as our relationship to our working practices evolve.

Free webinar | Belbin Remote and Hybrid Working Survey - The Results

We’ll reveal the emerging problem (identified in our research) with the potential to cause ‘silent fails’ in team performance, and how to address them.

We already know that Team Role strengths can impact our attitude and approach to hybrid work.

As we share the results of our latest research, Victoria Brown, Head of R&D at Belbin, will  examine how organisations could be improving the experience of hybrid work through the lens of behavioural diversity, by exploring the benefits and challenges it presents for different Team Role groups.

And we’ll present our findings on the broader implications for teams, including onboarding and organisational culture.

Register to attend for free via StreamYard, our webinar stream partner. You will also receive a link to the recording afterwards.

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