1Spatial announces immediate availability of Geocortex Essentials 4.0 in the UK & Ireland

When using ArcGIS® web mapping, Geocortex Essentials helps you do more, faster, at less cost and risk, with better results.

On servers and in the cloud, Geocortex Essentials 4 helps you accomplish even more with Esri’s ArcGIS platform.

Geocortex Essentials 4.0 represents the biggest leap forward in the platform since Geocortex Essentials was first released in 2007. CWith supporting releases of Geocortex Viewer for HTML5 2.0 and Geocortex Viewer for Silverlight 2.0, Geocortex Essentials introduces a number of great new capabilities and enhancements you can start taking advantage of right away in your current applications.

Major new capabilities provided as part of Geocortex Essentials 4.0 and the 2.0 releases of the HTML5 and Silverlight viewers:

  1. Next-generation architecture for the cloud era
  2. Even more integration with ArcGIS Online
  3. Instant search for amazing results
  4. Charting to enrich and inform
  5. Enhanced security options
  6. Significant tool & feature additions
  7. Service discovery to bring data together like never before

Contact us at geocortex@1spatial.com to learn how Geocortex Essentials 4.0 could help you do more with ArcGIS web mapping.


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