60 Seconds to Success Tip #54: How to stay positive every day

If you’ve ever wished that a good mood would last longer or that you could remember to be positive, this week’s tip will be right up your street.

Madeleine Morgan writes:

Our feelings are usually influenced by what we’re paying attention to.
So if we’re noticing all the:

  • things that are going wrong and the mistakes we’ve made
  • obstacles, pitfalls and dangers in our way
  • things we don’t want

we will feel negative.

If we pay attention to the positive things we feel positive.
Because of the way we’re ‘wired’, it’s often easier to give the negative aspects in our lives more attention.
So how can we develop the habit of paying attention to the positive things in life?
One way to maintain a positive focus is to ask ourselves positive questions…questions that get us to reflect on the things we have and want more of in our lives.
For instance:
  • What am I happy about in my life?
  • What am I excited about?
  • What am I enjoying most in my life?
  • What do I love? Who loves me?
  • What have I learned that will be positively useful for the future?
  • What have I achieved today?
  • What can I be grateful for today?
Which questions you choose depends on what you want more of in your life right now – money, creativity, joy, success, peace etc.
“The secret to success is to focus our conscious mind on things we desire, not things we fear.” Brian Tracy
Ask your positive questions every day and notice how your positive focus grows stronger and gets muscles. It’s like putting yourself in a gym for your mind. (Image removed)


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