James Bolton, Managing Director, said, “since we went into lockdown we have had virtual team meetings every day and one of the things that often came up was around walking – either encouraging the team to do so or sharing stories of walks the team had been on.

The events industry, and suppliers to it, was one of the first to crash due to social distancing measures in the UK and worldwide.

The Government’s Loneliness Strategy

Loneliness has always been a problem for society. Everyone feels lonely from time to time, but for some people the problem can be chronic or even feel overwhelming.

The way that people engage with the mainstream media, social media and digital channels has changed during lockdown. 

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James Bolton, Managing Director, said, “since we went into lockdown we have had virtual team meetings every day and one of the things that often came up was around walking – either encouraging the team to do so or sharing stories of walks the team had been on.

The events industry, and suppliers to it, was one of the first to crash due to social distancing measures in the UK and worldwide.

The Government’s Loneliness Strategy

Loneliness has always been a problem for society. Everyone feels lonely from time to time, but for some people the problem can be chronic or even feel overwhelming.

The way that people engage with the mainstream media, social media and digital channels has changed during lockdown.