Addenbrooke’s helps improve transplant skills in Macedonia

It’s hoped medical expertise practised at Addenbrooke’s can be shared across the world when a delegation of senior Macedonian medics begin a training programme at the Cambridge hospital.

From early next spring, a three year programme will begin to train the students in many aspects of transplant surgery. The internships will be sponsored by the Macedonian Government and the Macedonian Minister of health will visit the hospital campus today (Monday November 4th).

Professor Andrew Bradley who leads the Transplant Department at Addenbrooke’s said: “ we hope the trainees will pick up some useful skills here, so that when they return to Macedonia they’ll be able to establish a transplant programme of their own. Our team is very happy to help them achieve this goal.”

Each trainee will carry out a year-long placement and it’s hoped the department will take three surgical trainees over a three year period. If it’s successful, the programme could be expanded.

One of the Trust’s stated goals is to share expertise and strengthen relations with other medical organisations across the world.


For further information, please contact: tel: 01223 586 730. Communications Department, Addenbrooke's Hospital, Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 0QQ. Tel: 01223 586 730

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