clic+ club and lecture series no 2 - 'Event planning' for event organisers

Event planning is the subject of a free clic+ club lecture taking place at Robinson College, Cambridge, on Thursday 7th July (2.00-4.00pm).


clic+ lecture series: 'Event Planning'

Learn about tips and best practice  to ensure you keep organised and on track. This includes planning with colleagues and suppliers who will be working with you on your event.

Each free to attend bite size event in the clic+ club includes networking, an ‘advice shop’, small exhibition and the clic+ lecture series, offering learning opportunities.  These events will cover ‘The 5 Steps to Successful Events’ - Research, Planning, Creation, Delivery and Analysis.

Find out more and book your free place here.


Clic+ is an award winning, free to attend boutique conference and exhibition for event organisers, taking place at Robinson College in the University of Cambridge.

Put together by an advisory board of event professionals, the event is committed to exploring new innovative ways to run successful events, broaden your networks and share best practice within the events industry. Any event professional is welcome to attend whether organising and planning events is your full time role or part of your responsibilities.


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