Community invited to comment on Conservation Areas for Chesterton, Linton and Papworth Everard

Councillors are asking for people who know Chesterton, Linton and Papworth Everard to feed back on whether the right architectural or historic local features are included in each village’s ‘Conservation Area’, through three consultations which run until Friday 25 March.

The consultations are being run by Greater Cambridge Shared Planning (GCSP), a shared service between Cambridge City and South Cambridgeshire District councils.
Conservation Areas are classified by determining a boundary around certain parts of a village. Planning Permission would then be needed for work to be done inside the boundary in instances when it otherwise wouldn’t be, such as demolishing boundary walls, adding side extensions, or working on trees. This is because the areas within the boundary are considered to have special architectural or historic interest, which is preserved through their inclusion in the Conservation Area Appraisals. The Conservation Area Appraisals are important documents which the planners use to help them when determining planning applications.

Conservation Areas are reviewed periodically by the Planning Service through these consultations, where proposals to increase or decrease the boundary in different parts of the village are put forward, and residents are asked to feed back on the proposed changes, or to suggest any of their own changes that could be made to where the boundary should be placed.  
The councils are asking residents to feed back on whether the current boundaries, and the proposed boundary changes, accurately capture each area’s distinctive character, or whether important considerations such as designated heritage assets like scheduled monuments or listed buildings have been missed or misjudged.

You can take part online at:

What are the main changes proposed to the three Conservation Areas?

The current boundary for each Conservation area can be viewed on the GCSP website, and everyone is welcome to make suggestions on any areas that could be changed. 
The Planning Service has also proposed some changes to Papworth Everard and Linton’s Conservation Area boundaries.

Papworth Everard Conservation Area
The Planning Service proposes removing part of the former hospital site to the north of Lakeside Drive from the Papworth Everard Conservation Area, as well as two other very small areas, one behind the old Estate Office, and one in Church Lane near the Nurses’ Home. 

Linton Conservation Area
The proposed changes to the Linton Conservation Area would see more homes included within the boundary – such as the old police courthouse and homes on The Grip and Long Lane which are part of the old farmstead – as well as some small additional garden areas. In contrast, proposed changes to the boundary would remove 11 other homes from the Conservation Area.  
The proposed changes can be viewed in full on the Shared Planning website, where residents can also access informal surveys to submit comments.
Cllr Dr. Tumi Hawkins, Lead Cabinet Member for Planning at South Cambridgeshire District Council, said: “It’s really important that people who know these areas well are able to share their knowledge with us through this type of consultation, to help ensure we have the right local features recognised within our Conservation Areas. Whether you’re a property owner or a local resident, please take a few minutes to complete the short survey to let us know about special architectural and historic sites that you know and love.”
Cllr Katie Thornburrow, Executive Councillor for Planning Policy and Open Spaces at Cambridge City Council, said: “It is refreshing to see that our Historic Environment Team are pressing on with the second phase of the rejuvenated Conservation Area Appraisals programme. In a city like Cambridge with a unique heritage, these Appraisals are even more important. We look forward to seeing the next phase of Appraisals.”

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