Extract Information publishes 5th issue of InfoBlog: reporting on patent information news

Extract Information's InfoBlog follows 53 organisations from around the world, tracking new product announcements and patent information updates from the IP5 offices and WIPO.

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This month brings news of improvements for chemical searchers using Orbit, Patseer and STN’s new platform. Updates to Thomson Innovation; and the new name for Thomson Reuter’s recently sold IP & Science division - Clarivate Analytics are reported. Patent information news from the IP offices identified as interest were planning for patent enforcement in China, statistics publications in Japan, sharing of expertise on plant related patents in Europe.

The blog includes updates from the IP5 offices, (Korea, Japan, China, European Patent Office, USA) on patent information news, as well as news from industry.   The blog follows the major and emerging commercial patent information , search and software services companies, but also includes other information search and research news as identified through the news-tracker and which I find interesting. 

Follow the InfoBlog to stay up to date with the latest developments in the patent information industry.  Information Industry Digest V can be downloaded as PDF or viewed as a blog at http://www.extractinfo.info/info-blog/, or complete the form to subscribe: http://www.extractinfo.info/info-blog/subscribe-here/

Extract Information is working with search software developer Deep SEARCH 9, who’s new web content analytics technology is used to build the SEARCHCORPUS for the InfoBlog. Deep SEARCH 9 can be used to create repeatable, precision search queries which will run on sources on the public web. For more information on setting up your own news tracker contact info@extractinfo.info.   For more information on Deep SEARCH 9 visit their home page at deepsearchnine.com or contact:  info@deepsearchnine.com


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