How to hit peak performance when it matters most

How do you get yourself in just the right state of mind and body for an important event? Former BBC News Correspondent, and now Cambridge based Communications Consultant, Simon Hall, shares a simple but powerful trick.

I had an important event last week, and I have to confess I was nervous about it. 

The assignment was teaching media skills to business leaders in Guernsey.

(Image removed)

That was the view from my hotel; what a stunning place Guernsey is. If you get a chance, do go visit, it's lovely. 

Anyway, back to the job, which ran for three days working with some very influential people.

I was nervous because it was the first time I had taught such an in depth, extensive session, and it was one which needed to be handled sensitively. 

Much of the work involved me interviewing my victims - sorry, delegates - complete with a TV camera leering at them, and playing back the results for analysis afterwards.

Which left plenty of scope for the poor interviewees to get embarrassed, grumpy and upset. 

It was also a high profile job, which, if it went well, could bring lots more interesting and rewarding work.

So I did my usual planning the sessions well in advance thing (three months in advance, to be exact) and then practising and refining them, and then practising some more.

But even so, the night before the sessions I was still jittery. 

So in the morning, rather than sit around and fret, I took myself out for a run. (Image removed)

And wow, did it help. Firstly, for some of the spectacular scenery. Who wouldn't relax, running past sights like that?

Secondly, the exercise eased the tension from my body. 

Thirdly, it got my blood and brain buzzing, which was ideal for going into a day of teaching. 

I was careful not to run too far - the day was going to require plenty of energy - but just long enough to unwind and get me set up for some informing, educating and entertaining. 

It's a habit I'm now going to get into every time I have an important event, and I'd highly recommend it.

Want to hit peak performance at the right moment for a big day? 

Try taking yourself for a run, or even a brisk walk, somewhere scenic in the couple of hours beforehand, and feel the remarkable difference it makes.

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