IT Governance launches webinar series to help organisations prepare for GDPR compliance

IT Governance, the leading provider of General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliance services and resources, is launching a webinar series to help organisations prepare for the Regulation.

As of 25 May 2018, the GDPR will create a shift in the way organisations collect and process personal data. Failure to comply with the Regulation’s requirements will lead to fines, reputational damage and other penalties.

Alan Calder, founder and executive chairman of IT Governance, said: “Few organisations realise the extent to which the GDPR changes the way that any business is conducted. The issue is not only the lack of awareness around the consequences of the Regulation but also gaps in organisations’ knowledge about achieving compliance. GDPR compliance is not just a matter of ticking a few boxes. The Regulation demands that organisations take a risk-based approach to data protection, ensuring appropriate policies and procedures are in place to deal with the transparency, accountability and individuals’ rights provisions, as well as building a workplace culture of data privacy and security.

“All of this can seem overwhelming without appropriate guidance. And with the added element of urgency from the compliance deadline, it may appear too late to get started. However, we strongly believe that the sooner a GDPR action plan is initiated, the smaller the risk of exposure.”

IT Governance is thus responding to this increasing need for expertise with a series of webinars designed to provide an overview of various GDPR topics, including compliance basics and sector-specific compliance strategies.

The first steps towards GDPR compliance will run on multiple dates. These webinars will cover why you must comply with the GDPR and what might happen if you don’t, the GDPR’s direct effect on your business and the transition timelines, the first steps in preparing for GDPR compliance, the technical and organisational measures your business will need to adopt to comply with the Regulation, and key recommendations and industry-recognised practices to help you achieve GDPR compliance.

The other webinars cover more specialised topics:

  • GDPR challenges for the healthcare sector and the practical steps to compliance Register now >>
  • GDPR compliance and information security: reducing data breach risks Register now >>
  • Compliance solutions: how can penetration testing support your GDPR project? Register now >>
  • How can an ISO 27001-compliant ISMS help law firms achieve GDPR compliance? Register now >>
  • The responsibilities of controllers and processors under the GDPR and how ongoing staff awareness can support compliance Register now >>
  • How to conduct effective data protection impact assessments (DPIAs) to minimise privacy risks and maintain GDPR compliance Register now>>

To find out how IT Governance can help organisations comply with the GDPR’s requirements, see our extensive GDPR products and solutions. For further assistance, visit the IT Governance website, email or call +44 (0)333 800 7000.

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