IT Governance wins the IT governance, risk management and compliance solutions provider award

IT Governance, the leader in IT GRC and information security expertise, is delighted to have won ACQ5’s IT governance, risk management and compliance solutions 'provider of the year' award.

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Alan Calder, the founder and executive chairman of IT Governance, said: “Over the last ten years our team has worked tirelessly to help organisations worldwide implement information security management systems (ISMSs) and achieve compliance with industry standards and regulations. We are proud to have won an award that recognises our dedication to developing flexible and affordable solutions that support and organisation’s information security.”

The award acknowledges IT Governance’s achievements, and recognises it as a leader in IT governance, risk management and compliance solutions.

IT Governance’s ‘Protect – Comply – Thrive’ approach is designed to help organisations achieve resilience in a continuously changing environment through a wide range of consultancy services, staff awareness and e-learning, penetration testing, standards, guidance, books, tools and training courses. 

“With cyber criminals becoming more sophisticated and the emergence of new IT risks and challenges, it is crucial that organisations can draw on expertise to cope with the rising threats. Consequently, we encourage organisations to implement an ISO 27001-aligned ISMS to coordinate all security efforts and protect their data in a coherent, consistent and cost-effective manner,” Alan Calder continued.

The ACQ5 Awards programme has celebrated achievement, innovation and brilliance for over ten years. ACQ5 has a legitimately independent nomination process, and award winners are chosen based on qualitative and quantitative metrics, and by the industry itself.

ACQ5 relies on reader insight and experience to provide nominations and seeks their assistance in recognising industry leaders, eminent individuals, exemplary teams and distinguished businesses, which they believe represent the benchmark of achievement and best practice in a variety of fields.

For more information about IT Governance’s’s ACQ5 IT Governance, Risk management and Compliance solutions provider of the Year Award, please visit the ACQ5 website.


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