The latest Groupon campaign at Salus Wellness Clinic – the game for massage hunters

Massimo Gaetani describes how Salus Wellness Clinic manages Groupon campaigns...

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He writes:

Groupon is a great marketing tool, particularly to market new products and services, which has been around several years. At Salus Wellness we have been working with them since 2011, a few months after we opened.  Groupon is great to generate business which would not usually get attracted to our company, simply by offering deals which are heavily discounted compared to the original price for the services being offered.  

We usually run a campaign when we have a few massage therapists which need to get established in Cambridge and are prepared to work for it.  By partnering up four or more practitioners, it’s relatively easy to handle many new clients while taking care of the existing ones.

Thanks to a Groupon campaign we can easily sell several hundred treatments within a few months. Like many other business we use Groupon to attract people who would not usually visit our clinic without a financial incentive. We offer, at super discounted rate, the same level of service and quality we would offer at full price, with the aim of converting Groupon clients into full paying ones.  In our experience we can group clients we get via Groupon into three categories:

  1. Bargain hunters; these are people who are waiting for the next offer to get a cheap massage and will never buy a massage at full price, often because they cannot afford it. They are usually the ones with the highest expectations in terms of customer service and reaction time, and historically they are virtually impossible to convert into regular clients.
  2. Best practitioners’ hunters; these are people using Groupon to try a few new practitioners with the aim of finding a professional who will become their regular practitioner. They are easy to convert for the practitioners who offer the right massage and customer service.
  3. Gift hunters; many people buy a voucher for a loved one as a gift. In this case the person using the voucher is different from who bought it so conversion is random.

Whatever kind of massage hunter you are, we are here to help and looking forward to meeting you at our next Groupon campaign.


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