Life as a submariner beckons for engineering student

Former Cambridge Regional College engineering student Will Thoday is putting his skills to good use in the Royal Navy – training to work in a nuclear submarine.

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The 17 year-old Able Seaman, who is off to complete his final 10 weeks’ submariner training, could find himself at sea for up to six months, working with cutting edge sonar, fire control and tracking equipment.

Will, who lives in Headlands, Fenstanton, is planning a long-term career in the Navy and said he was very excited about the future.

“I’ve already done some training in a submarine, so I know quite a lot about what it’s going to be like. I’ve also had a lot of land-based training – including a trip to Bavaria where we went skiing,” he said.

“When I was at college, I was planning on an engineering apprenticeship but I talked to someone in the Navy and found out about all the opportunities available. So I applied and was offered a place, which was fantastic.

“The Navy really likes people who have trained in a trade, so studying engineering at CRC was a big advantage. I enjoyed my time at CRC and the course definitely helped me get the job in the Navy.”

For the last few weeks Will has been based at the Navy’s careers information office in Cambridge, talking to other young people about life in the Senior Service. He starts his submariner training at the end of July.

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