New GDPR webinar: requirements for conducting a data protection impact assessment

IT Governance, the leading provider of data protection and information security expertise, has launched its webinar on data protection impact assessment (DPIAs), the first in a new series to address the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

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The new webinar series is designed to help organisations prepare for the GDPR, which comes into effect in May 2018. The series begins on Thursday, 7 September with ‘The GDPR and its requirements for implementing data protection impact assessments (DPIAs)’ presented by the founder and executive chairman of IT Governance, Alan Calder.

Alan Calder said: “Effective data protection is now a core competence that all organisations must develop and sustain internally in line with the GDPR. There is considerable work to be done assessing the risks and implementing new control measures.”

Webinar attendees will learn about how to conduct effective DPIAs to identify and reduce the data protection risks of a project or system. The webinar will focus on the benefits of conducting DPIAs, the legal requirements to do so and practical steps towards implementation.

The DPIA webinar will be followed by additional webinars in the GDPR series, addressing further practical areas of the GDPR, such as data flow mapping and getting started with compliance projects. Each webinar has a Q&A session, when attendees can submit questions to our GDPR and data protection experts.

To register for the DPIA webinar, visit the webinar registration page or, to find out how IT Governance can help organisations comply with the GDPR requirements, see our extensive GDPR products and solutions.

For further assistance, visit the IT Governance website, email or call +44 (0)845 070 1750.


IT Governance Ltd is the single-source provider of books, tools, training and consultancy for IT governance, risk management and compliance. It is a leading authority on data security and IT governance for business and the public sector. IT Governance is ‘non-geek’, approaching IT issues from a non-technology background and talking to management in its own language. Its customer base spans Europe, the Americas, the Middle East and Asia. More information is available at


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