Programmers face the Coding Challenge at UK conference

Engineers and computer scientists will be invited to take the 'Coding Challenge' at the forthcoming UK Device Developers' Conference, pitching their programming skills against a computer.


Delegates at the conference will be invited to review about 30 lines of software code to identify errors and concerns. The 'Coding Challenge' has become a popular competition at this annual event and it is regarded as quite an accolade to win. The competitors are often leaders in their field, working for major technology companies. 

The Device Developers' Conference is an event for developers of intelligent systems and intelligent devices, targeting engineers involved in Embedded Systems development, Software Development, Electronics Design, Enclosure Design and Manufacturing Services; it will take place at Reading, Cambridge and Warrington and Uphall (Scotland) on 12th May, 14th May,  2nd June and 4th June respectively. 

The “Coding Challenge” is being run by Pheadrus Systems, a UK supplier of embedded systems development tools and technologies. Pheadrus will use the QAC Static Analyser from specialist company PRQA. PRQA’s software tools offer a close examination of C and C++ code in order to identify problems caused by language usage that is overly complex, non-portable, dangerous or difficult to maintain. Plus, its tools also provide a mechanism for coding standard enforcement and are widely used in industries such as automotive, medical and aerospace. 

"Each contestant's results will be compared to the output of PRQA's code analysis software," said Chris Hills, Managing Director at Pheadrus Systems. "Each year we are increasingly impressed with the level of expertise of developers that take part. In many ways, it is just a bit of fun, however, being a good programmers takes a lot of study followed by a lot of real world experience. In some ways this competition is a rare celebration of the amazing talent of good developers. The past winners have been delighted and excited to receive the prize and the acknowledgement."

The UK Device Developers' Conference is a one-day conference for engineers and computer scientists involved in the development of embedded systems and real-time software. It is an event that explores the very latest tools and technologies available and includes a vendor exhibition, half-day technical workshops and a series of informative technical presentations.

About The Device Developers’ Conference

The Device Developers’ Conference is an annual UK event for the developers of intelligent systems and devices. The 2015 event will take place in May and June, in Reading, Cambridge, Warrington, and Uphall (Scotland).

Sponsored by a broad range of industry vendors, the exhibition and conference, including a series of 40-minute technical presentations, is free to engineers and project managers working in the technology sector.  Half-day workshops in various specialisms are available at a small charge.

For more information visit:

Hi-tech developers' workshops offered at discount rates for Cambridge Network members
The organisers of the UK Device Developers' Conference 2015 have agreed to provide a 20% discount on workshop places at the Conference for members of the Cambridge Network. The Conference is free to attend for engineers, computer scientists and technical managers, but there is a charge for places on specialist half-day technical workshops.  The Conference will take place on 14th May at The Belfry Hotel in Cambourne. Read more here.



Richard Blackburn, Event Organiser

E-mail: richardb(at)
Tel: +44(0) 1603 439569


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