Recipe for international success - accolade for college contribution to Chinese Food Guide

A Cambridge College is celebrating the recent ‘Practical Guide to Chinese Food’, co-authored with the UK’s leading university catering organisation, which has just been shortlisted for a prestigious international award.

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Bill Brogan, Catering and Conference Manager at St John’s College worked with TUCO (The University Caterers’ Organisation) to create the 88-page Guide, giving catering departments in universities and colleges help to cook authentic Chinese dishes.

The full-colour cookbook, which features 23 illustrated recipes chosen as practical dishes to be delivered in UK university kitchens for significant numbers, is shortlisted for the 2018 Gourmand World Cookbook Awards.

Bill Brogan says: “When we published the ‘Practical Guide to Chinese Food’ earlier this year we had no idea how positively it would be received. This recent accolade confirms its usefulness as a reference book for catering departments all over the world.

“Feedback tells us that the book really stands out as providing a fresh and accurate insight into Chinese food and culture including a specific section on foods to serve at Chinese festivals through the year which was highly praised by the President of the Awards, Edouard Cointreau.

“The idea for this Guide followed a TUCO Study Tour to China in 2015 after which the delegation felt it was important to share their culinary insights and experiences with catering colleagues across the UK. It also reflects changes in the food and beverage offering on campus to meet the tastes of our customers which is certainly the case in Cambridge where we have seen a huge increase in Chinese students and visitors.”

The Gourmand World Cookbook Awards were established in 1995 and each year honour the best food and wine books and food television programmes. The 2018 Awards will be held on 26th May in Yantai in Shandong, the birthplace of Shandong Cuisine.


Further press information from: Lesley Crosland at Crosland Communications on 01638 662188 Email:



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