Sable&Hawkes delivers name, positioning and visual branding project for chemistry software

Seeing chemistry through new eyes. Sentira is a powerful, elegant and flexible data visualisation tool for all fields of chemistry. It is used by chemists to support more insightful and intelligent chemical data analysis. Sable&Hawkes worked with its clients to create the name and product messaging, visual brand including icon, app icon and marketing collateral.


Adrian Kimpton of Sable&Hawkes says: "The package is highly visual and provides users with a simpler and much more intuitive environment in which to work and the name Sentira is derived from the word sentient which is an adjective describing the power of perception.

"This thread comes from the chem-aware nature of the software. Its connectivity, and the way it connects data, spots trends and allows more intelligent analysis.

"From these elements, we isolated three main themes, perception (insight), interpretation (understanding), and translation (simpicity of use), which sit behind the name and are used to drive the messaging which positions the new software in market.

"Visually, and alongside with the stylised nature of the S-shape, the icon shape mimics the fluidness of the data analysis process."


Good design companies design well.The best think well.
And the simplicity and intelligence of a solution is what makes it memorable.

We are Sable&Hawkes.
A design communication company.

For further information contact Adrian Kimpton:

T: 01223 303708
M: 07712 270198
TW: @AdrianKimpton


21 Aylestone Road Cambridge CB4 1HF.

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