Salus Wellness offers a unique combination of sleep education and techniques plus luxurious Japanese Shiatsu massage

Salus Wellness makes a special offer: £250 until end of July for a unique combination of sleep education and techniques plus luxurious Japanese Shiatsu massage.

Personalised and tailored for you – this four-week course comprises two massages, two sleep sessions and individualised homework to leave you refreshed and sleeping better!

Sleep sessions include detailed analysis of your sleep diary and questionnaire, recommendations regarding diet and simple but effective mindfulness techniques. 

Family, friends and colleagues often like to offer an answer for our problems – we create a safe confidential space, allowing your feelings and emotions to be heard and acknowledged without judgement. 
This enables you to consider solutions for yourself, gradually improving your quality and enjoyment of life.

Priced at £250 until end of July for the course, with the option to continue with shiatsu massage after the course end.


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