Shingles vaccine now available from The Travel Clinic

Zostavax, the shingles vaccine, has just been released and is now available in the UK at The Travel Clinic Ltd.

The vaccine has a product licence for people aged 50 and over, and can be given to anyone able to receive a live vaccine. The vaccine is given once only. 

There is over six years' experience of using Zostavax in the USA; however, limited vaccine production capacity has restricted availability until now.

Shingles is caused by reactivation of the chickenpox virus. The incidence of this from the age of 50 onwards is greatly increased, and is higher in women than in men.

In the UK, 90% of the population has had chickenpox infection; 25% of adults will get shingles; and of those, 20% will develop long term complications such as localised pain which can last up to six to seven years.

The increase of incidence with age is most marked in the 50+ age group, with a reduction in immunity; the vaccine prevents virus reactivation and its complication. The overall success rate of the vaccine in preventing shingles is 51%. The vaccine also reduces the severity and duration of complications in those patients who do ultimately develop shingles.

The vaccine consists of a modified form of the herpes zoster virus that does not cause disease. Side effects are the normal side effects experienced with other vaccines, such as site irritation or a sore arm; rarely, a chicken-pox like rash may occur at the injection site.

Patients cannot get shingles from this vaccine, but have a very small chance of getting chicken pox.

There is no danger in giving this vaccine to people who may not have had chicken pox; this is essentially the chicken pox vaccine in a greater dosage, so it will just end up protecting them from chicken pox.

The NHS will be launching their shingles vaccination campaign next year - in Sept 2013 - but will be vaccinating patients from 70 years of age and upwards, only.

To receive the shingles vaccine, please book an appointment at The Travel Clinic Ltd, 01223 367 362
The vaccine cost is £150, which includes the appointment fee.

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