Sponsorship sought to help unemployed to cycle to work

A Cambridge homeless charity is taking positive action to help local unemployed and socially disadvantaged people become involved in a new social enterprise - and is seeking corporate sponsors to help get the venture on the road.

Wintercomfort has been awarded the prestigious LEP Prize Challenge Award  which aims to encourage innovative new ideas to help unemployed and socially disadvantaged people in the area, to gain access to paid work with new skills and confidence.

Rachel Newell, Wintercomfort's Social Enterprise Manager, says: "We put forward our idea of a cleaning services social enterprise offering training and employment to our service users.

"This social enterprise will use cargo bikes (similar to those used by Outspoken courier services - pictured here) to attend jobs. They will have a GPS tracker so we can see where they are at all times.

"Many of our service users aren't able to afford a driving licence and this is an innovative way around this barrier to work.

"We are seeking sponsorship for the cargo bikes in return for free advertising on the side of the bike (£1800-£2000 per bike) - an innovative way in which companies can support a local charity and tick their CSR box, in return for free advertising.

"There will be a great deal of PR surrounding the new enterprise too, which would be beneficial to our corporate supporters.

"We will offer high-impact mobile advertising space on our fully-equipped cleaning bicycles in return for sponsorship of the bike. This is permanent advertising for the life of the bike, guaranteeing that your message will stand out and be seen across the city and surrounding area."

"If your business is interested in sponsoring one of our cargo bikes, please get in touch with me:  RachelNewell@wintercomfort.org.uk or telephone 01223 518140."


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