Spreading the word about the ebook revolution

A panel of experts, including Booker Prize shortlisted author Jill Paton-Walsh, will be debating the latest hot topics in digital publishing – including the seemingly unstoppable rise of the ebook – at Anglia Ruskin University in Cambridge on Tuesday, 21 February.

All the World’s a Page: Spreading the Word in the Digital Age is sponsored by Anglia Ruskin’s Cultures of the Digital Economy (CoDE) research institute, and will be chaired by Colin Walsh of Book Production Consultants and founder of the Publishing in Cambridge Association (PICA).

Whether you’re a writer, publisher, bookseller, entrepreneur, academic or you’re simply interested in the latest technological advances, the Question Time-style event will debate how best to disseminate digital information to different cultural and commercial sectors.

Dr Samantha Rayner, Director of CoDE, said: “This event is all about creative communication; the ways we can connect with people through the internet and other digital formats.

“The popularity of devices such as the Kindle has shown how quickly digital technology can transform culture, but people are still discovering how to effectively harness this technology and predict how it might develop in the future.

“CoDE is exploring these questions and this panel debate will help us, and everyone who comes along, find some of the answers.”

In addition to Jill Paton-Walsh, the panel will include Jacky Collis-Harvey (Publisher, Royal Collection Enterprises), Bob Satchwell (Executive Director of the Society of Editors), John Hudson (Head of Publishing at English Heritage), Neil Thomas (Director of Thorogood Publishing), Tim Feest (Principal Consultant at Tim Feest Consultancy Services) and Martin Woodhead (MD of Woodhead Publishing Limited and Chandos Publishing).

The event runs from 4-6pm in the new Lord Ashcroft Building on Anglia Ruskin’s East Road campus.  For further information and to book tickets, which cost £7.50 including wine reception, visit http://www.anglia.ac.uk/codeevents




For more press information please contact:

Jon Green on t: 0845 196 4717, e: jon.green@anglia.ac.uk

Andrea Hilliard on t: 0845 196 4727, e: andrea.hilliard@anglia.ac.uk


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