Success for Managers Tip #49: is stress silently stealing your success?

We all need a little pressure to make life interesting and motivating, otherwise we’d probably get bored or under-perform, wouldn’t we? Madeleine Morgan of Growu talks about stress...

For instance, we often need the pressure of a deadline to get something done.

I know I need the pressure of having only two minutes before I leave to go somewhere where looking professional would be a good idea, to get motivated to clean my shoes. (Image removed)

However, whereas pressure can be necessary to our success, what about stress…and what’s the difference between stress and pressure, anyway?

Stress is a negative emotional or physical reaction to having too much pressure.

If you’re feeling stressed you’re not alone…see the statistics below.

It doesn’t matter where that stress comes from… lack of confidence, money worries, relationship difficulties, unrealistic deadlines (the clue is in the dead part (Image removed)), lack of skill, work pressures, health issues and so on… it can be a success stealer for your personal life, your business and your career.

At the same time research has found that managing or eliminating stress can give you huge personal, career and business rewards.

These statements may sound over dramatic so here are some startling statistics from reputable sources such as the CIPD (Chartered Institute of Personnel Development), The Corporate Leadership Council and the CMI (Chartered Management Institute) to bring some reality to this:

 74.6% of workers suffer significant work-related stress

Here are just some ways in which you might find stress is stealing your success:

 21% of employees are thinking of quitting their job because of stress levels – that means…

If you’re running a stressful business, your staff members who can’t find other opportunities stick around in a disinterested and disengaged way. The staff members whose skills are highly marketable go elsewhere and your business loses talented people who are vital to your profitability.

If you have a career you might make hasty choices to leave that stressful work situation that cause you to jump from the frying pan and into fire. When you leave because you can’t cope that tends to damage your self-esteem.

If your family is also bearing the brunt of your work stress, or stress at home is affecting your work, then you don’t feel successful in any area of your life!

40% of employers have recorded a rise in stress-related absence – that means lower productivity.

Lower productivity makes it difficult for managers to succeed because the business becomes less profitable.

It puts more stress on the people who are still coming into work…which creates a vicious circle of stress.

Businesses run the risk of being taken to court.

It’s harder to attract new talent.

45% of managers experience exhaustion and insomnia and the NHS is recording significantly higher admissions for stress-related conditions – ill health dramatically reduces our quality of life and can prevent us being as resourceful, creative and as happy as when we’re feeling fit and full of vitality. We make more mistakes when we’re not feeling well.

These common reactions to stress, create a vicious circle of stress:

  • Becoming addicted to stress – I’ll talk more about that next week
  • Working harder, rather than smarter
  • Becoming argumentative, complaining and blaming
  • Neglecting your health

So what are the rewards of managing or eliminating stress?

  • Research shows that businesses with employees who feel engaged, motivated  and who experience a healthy level of pressure:
  1. Grow profits three times faster than companies with highly stressed employees.
  2. Have low average employee absentee rates of 2.7 days per year compared to stressed employees who average 6.2 days
  3. Reduce staff turnover by 87%
  • If you’re a manager or other employee in a low stress company you can experience more financial and personal success and a more enjoyable work/life balance. So, choose your employer wisely.
  • If you manage your own stress skilfully, even in a difficult environment, your levels of personal, career and business success are more in your control.

So What Can You Do to Reduce Your Stress and Increase Your Success?

  • If you are a manager or owner manager who would like to increase your business success by reducing the stress in your company, I’m running a half-day workshop on Getting to Grips with Stress Management on Friday 24th January in Cambridge. Click here for more details. There are only six places.
    • If you’d prefer a 1-2-1 approach, I’m offering a free From Stress to Success Discovery Session. I have only four slots available. We’ll discuss your stress levels in your business, career or personal life. We’ll uncover hidden barriers to eliminating stress. We’ll get clear on how you can manage or eliminate your stress. You’ll go away feeling positive, excited and certain about your next steps.

If you would like to apply for a session, just email me:


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