Success for Managers Tip #62: Don’t get mad, stupid

Madeleine Morgan of Growu explains how anger and fear can make you stupid...and how to stop it...

Madeleine  writes:

My tip this week is about anger management; how to stay in control even when your body is trying to do the opposite.

Have you ever felt angry or anxious about something someone has said or done? Or have you ever said or done something that someone else felt angry or anxious about? Then this week’s tip will be valuable to you.

When we feel strong negative emotions like anger, fear, frustration, hurt and guilt our body/mind goes into stress mode.

That means our mind/body is getting ready to run away or fight.

Unfortunately, in stress mode, the chemical changes in our body supress our ability to solve problems and energise our muscles instead.

“So anger, hurt, anxiety, frustration, guilt and other powerful negative emotions can literally make us stupid!”

No wonder work and personal relationships can feel so difficult!

So what can you do when you, or others, are experiencing this emotional ‘hijack’?

Here are two top tips for you…

  • Focus on your breathing until you have calmed down. When you focus on your breathing it stops the thoughts that are fueling your stress and creates space for you to problem solve. This is part of a series of techniques I call ‘stress damping’.
  • Learn how to deal with other people who are stressed so that they don’t stress you and so that you can help them get back to a more resourceful state.

Would you like to know more?

I’m running this special workshop for you about how to manage stress.

Stress Management for Managers Thursday 15 May, 8.45 – 12.30, Cambridge. For more details, click  on the link:

 “I found the seminar very helpful. A good explanation of every aspect with answers and advice tailored to specific and individual circumstances. I now have a greater perspective on how we can improve on productivity and reduce the issues by tackling stress in the office.”
Lee Green, Manager, Kloeber


If you’d prefer a 1-2-1 approach, I’m offering a free From Stress to Success Discovery Session. I have only four slots available. We’ll discuss your stress levels in your business, career or personal life. We’ll uncover hidden barriers to eliminating stress. We’ll get clear on how you can manage or elimate your stress. You’ll go away feeling positive, excited and certain about your next steps.

If you would like to apply for a session, just email me:


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