Success for Managers Tip #63: Why won’t they listen?

Madeleine Morgan of Growu explains how stress can make us deaf...and how to stop it.

Madeleine writes:

Did you know that we can rapidly go from a normal heartbeat (about 82 beats per minute for women and 76 beats for men) to 165 beats per minute when we believe we’re at risk from harm? That’s not just physical harm but what we might interpret as mental and emotional ‘harm’…for instance, in a disagreement, trying to meet a tight deadline, presenting or when hearing what we imagine is ‘bad’ news.

Even more fascinating…research by psychologist Dr John Gottman also discovered that at 100 heart beats per minute you literally cannot hear what other people are saying to you… even if you try.

If you’ve ever tried to reason with someone who is experiencing that level of stress – either because of someone else’s actions or your own – it explains a lot, doesn’t it?

It also explains why it’s hard to reason ourselves out of stressed states such as anger, anxiety hurt, fear, frustration and guilt.

This flood of emotion can cause us to act like a drowning person, ignore the ‘life belt’ that others are throwing to us and causes us to flail around even more.

So what can you do when you are experiencing this emotional ‘hijack’? Here are three ideas:

  1. Create a ‘time out’ for you and/or them to calm down. Wait until you feel calmer to avoid doing or saying anything you might regret.
  2. Learn how to make your life easier, your business more profitable and your career more successful by joining the workshop
    Stress Management for Managers on Thursday 15 May, 08.45 – 12.45, Cambridge.  Book soon to grab the early bird rate.
    “I found the seminar very helpful. A good explanation of every aspect with answers and advice tailored to specific and individual circumstances. I now have a greater perspective on how we can improve on productivity and reduce the issues by tackling stress in the office.”    Lee Green, Manager, Kloeber.
  3. If you’d prefer a 1-2-1 approach, I’m offering a free From Stress to Success Discovery Session. I have only three slots available. We’ll discuss your stress levels in your business, career or personal life. We’ll uncover hidden barriers to eliminating stress. We’ll get clear on how you can manage or elimate your stress. You’ll go away feeling positive, excited and certain about your next steps.

If you would like to apply for a session, just email me:


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