Success for Managers Tip #66: How to deal with unreliable people

It can be really frustrating dealing with a manager, colleague, client, family member or friend who is unreliable, can’t it?

Madeleine Morgan of Growu writes:

Does it sometimes feel like a thankless task when you are the reliable one? Have you ever kicked yourself for being the unreliable one? Maybe someone else has accused you of being unreliable? If so, you’ll find this week’s tip helpful.

There’s a lot to being a reliable person.

It takes more than just being a ‘nice’ person to be reliable in your working and personal relationships.

So how do you spot unreliable behaviour in yourself and others? Here are some signs and symptoms I hear my clients complaining about that destroy working and personal relationships, career prospects, families and businesses…some of them might surprise you.

Unreliable people:

  1. Cynically minimize difficulties when they want to land you with a difficult project
  2. Reject constructive feedback
  3. Hold others accountable but let themselves off the hook
  4. Don’t stand up for others when they should
  5. Make promises but don’t deliver
  6. Are easily angered or fearful
  7. And many more…

5 Ways to You Can Deal with Unreliable People to Ensure Your Personal and Work Success

  1. Make sure you’re a good role model for reliability– it’s impossible to influence others to do the reliable thing if you’re standing in a glass house and throwing stones.
  2. Establish what the cause of their/your unreliability is.For instance, is it a lack of maturity, skill, experience, altruism, character or…
  3. Once you’ve identified the cause, do whatever is in your power to constructively deal with the cause.For instance, if it’s a lack of skill, what training can you provide?
  4. If you feel you don’t have ‘positional power’ to deal with the person because the unreliable person is your boss, for instance, develop your ‘personal power’and influence to help you change the situation.
  5. As a last resort, and if it fits the situation, constructively manage yourself or them out of the work or personal relationshipand keep the useful learning you’ve got from dealing with them.

Would you like some help with this?

I know that making the first step is often the hardest so here are a few of options to help you make taking that first step easier. They are all free and without obligation…

  • Drop me an email –
  • Have a quick 20 minute chat on the phone to discuss the issue
  • Meet me face-to-face for a 20 minute chat to get some ideas

Why free? What’s the catch, I hear you ask. I know from my 15 years experience of running a coaching business that a lot of people find this so useful that they go on to enjoy my coaching and training programmes after they’ve made this first step.

What will happen if you continue to put up with the frustration of unreliable people?


Get in touch today!

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