Success for Managers Tip #68: Is it witchcraft?

Madeleine Morgan of Growu writes: Recently, I was coaching a group of triathletes and long distance swimmers who had set some pretty ambitious goals.

One of them will be swimming the Irish Sea between the UK and Ireland (The North Channel) this summer. He’ll be dealing with the cold, jelly fish and the sheer mental and physical challenge of swimming 22 miles, non-stop.

You can probably imagine, this group were really keen to learn how to achieve their goals in the most powerful and effective ways. So I was sharing with them sports psychology tips that Olympic athletes use and that would help them improve their physical and emotional strength, speed and stamina.

Some of them were tips I’ve used to walk pathways of burning coals without getting burnt.

In truth, they were tips that people can use in any walk of life, to give them the confidence, determination and power to achieve any goal.

Swimmer Free photoIt was after they had done an exercise that proved to them that certain thoughts made them physically weaker and other thoughts literally made them stronger that they were stunned and then someone said, ‘It’s like witchcraft!’

This stuff is so familiar to me that I was taken aback by his comment, for a second. Then I said, ‘I know it might seem that way but actually I’m just showing you the power of your mind to help or hinder you in all that you do. That power has been there all along. Everyone has it. It’s just that not everyone knows how to use it to their advantage. So many people achieve less, and enjoy life less, than they could because they don’t know this stuff. ”

Your action for this week

  • Identify the beliefs and thoughts that weaken you and hold you back.
  • Write down a belief or thought that could strengthen you, if you believed it and thought it regularly.
  • Find evidence that it’s true. Think it often and say it to yourself in a powerful voice!

Would you like some help with this and learn some more ‘witchcraft’?

I know that making the first step is often the hardest so here are a few options to help you make taking that first step easier. They are all free and without obligation…

  • Drop me an email –
  • Have a quick 20 minute chat on the phone to discuss the issue – 01223 426392
  • Meet me face-to-face for a 30 minute chat to get some ideas

Why free? ‘What’s the catch?’ I hear you ask. I know from my 15 years’ experience of running a coaching business that a lot of people find this so useful that they go on to enjoy my coaching and training programmes after they’ve made this first step.

What will happen if you continue to put up with thoughts that stop you enjoying life and achieving your goals?

Get in touch today!

Special Event

If you’re a manager or owner manager, would you like to learn how to use these mindset tools I’ve mentioned today to empower yourself and your team? If your answer is ‘Yes!’ check this out: Successful Manager’s Toolkit Workshop Thursday 12 June, 9.00 – 4.30, Cambridge.

Having recently participated in a “Leadership/Training Management” day with my company I found that Madeleine’s professional, positive and practical approach eased us all into lively discussions and problem solving scenarios. The day was packed with useful tips and ideas based around developing leadership and communication skills, I’m now very much looking forward to putting my new found tools into practice!”
Susanne Bain, Office Manager, GW Pharmaceuticals

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