Success for Managers Tip #69: Do the mice play when the cat’s away?

Do you ever feel frustrated by colleagues, friends, family members or people working in your business who don’t do what they ought to do… unless you’re standing over them?

Madeleine Morgan of Growu writes:

Do they sometimes give you lame excuses when you take them to task? Or do you avoid bringing up the issue for fear of confrontation?

If your answer to any of these question is ‘yes’, here are three tips to help you influence people to be more responsible, reliable and accountable:

  1. Make sure that you do what you are responsible for and what you commit to. Nothing breaks team and family morale, loyalty, commitment and trust quicker than when you have a ‘Do as I say, not as I do’ approach.
  2. Make sure they understand what you’ve asked them to do or what you expect. Sometimes my clients say they fear appearing patronising if they ask people to repeat back what they’ve just said. One suggestion my clients have found works is to say something like this: ‘Just so that I check that I’ve communicated clearly, would you tell me what you understand you need to do.’
  3. Make sure they have everything they need to succeed. (You could even ask them what they need to succeed.)

For instance:

  • If you know they find it hard to say ‘No’, get easily distracted or tend to over-commit, check with them when they are going to be able to do what you ask.
  • Ensure they have the skills to do what you want them to do – people tend to avoid things they’re not sure they’ll succeed at and procrastinate over things they think are going to be difficult.
  • Above all, make sure they know why it’s important for them and for you – they’re more likely to give it a high priority when they know

So your mission today, should you accept, is to take the first action on the list that you haven’t tried yet. :)

Want to discover more? Try this:

  1. The Successful Manager’s Toolkit Workshop Thursday 12th June, 9.00 – 4.30, Cambridge (only 4 places left).
  2. 1-2-1 Complimentary Coaching Discovery Session
    If you could change one thing in your personal, career or business life, what would it be? I have 4 complimentary spaces for 1-2-1 Discovery Sessions this month. During that session, we’ll discuss where you are in your business, career or personal life. We’ll uncover hidden barriers to your success. We’ll get clear on how you’d like your life to be. Then I’ll show you how you can bridge that gap. You’ll go away feeling positive, excited and certain about your next steps.

If you would like to apply for a session, just email me:


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