This surprises us - every time

You’d think we’d be used to it by now. But we’re not. It surprises us every time a business owner says that they don’t need to take cyber security preventative measures.

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Breathe Technology writes:

They say things like:

    “We’re too small to be a target”
    “We wouldn’t be on anyone’s radar. Why would they want to attack us?”
    “We don’t hold the type of data that someone would want to steal”

Sadly, this is wrong, wrong and wrong again…

Hackers DON’T target individual businesses. They target ALL of them, ALL of the time. Using sophisticated automated tools that sniff out opportunities.

I believe that all businesses need to take cyber security 10x more seriously than they do right now.

And I think that way, because I’ve seen what a devastating impact a successful hack can have.

It’s not just about the money you lose. Or the damage to your reputation. Or the fact no-one can do any work for days and days.

I see more damage from the emotional trauma.

If you’ve ever been burgled at home, you’ll know it’s a deeply upsetting thing to happen. Sure, stuff can be replaced. But the feeling of wellbeing at home isn’t so easily replaced.

Exactly the same with hackers inside your IT.

More than half of all cyber-attacks are now targeted at small and medium sized businesses (which is the vast majority of businesses).

Cyber criminals are aware that these businesses spend less on their security. Which makes them easier targets.

Can I look over what cyber security you have in place? And just advise on areas I think you could (and should) tighten up?

There’s no obligation to buy anything, ever. I’d just rather you knew where the obvious holes are in your security net.

Give me a call on on 01223 209920 and ask for sales, or email

For more info go to our website at

Cambridge: Camboro Business Park, The Workplace, Oakington Road, Girton, Cambridge CB3 0QH





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