Trainee programme proves Hewitsons ‘trains to retain’

Five promising young trainees have recently qualified as solicitors at Hewitsons, which has offices in Cambridge, London, Northampton and Milton Keynes and places absolute focus on its clients.

In addition, two new trainees have also joined the firm for a two-year fixed training period, rotating between departments biannually. Hewitsons specialises in all major areas of law, allowing the annual intake of newly-qualified trainees to benefit from its wide-ranging expertise.

The aim of the programme is to enable trainees to be mentored by highly-experienced partners at the firm, passing on their expertise to this next intake of newly-qualified solicitors.

Trainees complete six-month seats in four different areas of law giving them the full experience to see which area suits their career path best, before qualifying.

In Cambridge, newly-qualified Emma Elston joined the firm in September 2018 and has just completed her fourth and final seat, working with the dispute resolution team, where she shall stay.  Emma’s previous seats have been in private wealth, agriculture, and contentious trusts and probate.

Joe Greenstock joined the firm in September 2018, beginning his training contract with the real estate litigation and contentious trust and probate teams. He then joined the construction team for his second seat, before moving into the commercial team for his third. Joe completed his his fourth and final seat with the corporate team where he will now remain.

Jack Thorogood also began his training contract in 2018. His first seat was in the corporate department. Newly-qualified, he is now part of the private wealth team.

Charlotte Herrington who joined the firm in September 2018 qualified early in March 2020 and since that time has been working in our employment team.

In addition, the firm is also welcoming new trainee Craig Veltri to its Cambridge office. Originally from Canada, Craig graduated with a first-class degree from the Open University and takes his first seat in the agriculture team.

In Northampton, Saffa Mir has sat her final seat within the charities and education team, where she will also remain. She recently set up her own charity called Ihsan for Children Foundation which aims to provide education and support to refugee children around the world.

Also joining the team in Northampton is new trainee Sophie Major. Sophie has undertaken a number of work placements with legal firms, including a placement with Hewitsons in 2018 where she has gained experience in private wealth, corporate and employment, property and agriculture. Her first seat as a trainee is in the property team.

Throughout the two-year period, the firm’s partners coach the trainees in an array of legal skills, through both formal training sessions and practical experience. They also assist with cases, interviews, attend court hearings, as well as regularly liaising with clients, and accompanying solicitors to site visits and legal briefings.

Managing partner Colin Jones said: “It always brings me great pleasure, at this time of year, to see trainees qualify as solicitors and to see these bright, young minds continue to grow their experience – whilst also being client-facing under the management of our highly-skilled team.

“We have a very high rate of trainee retention at Hewitsons, which means our aim of ‘training to retain’ within the firm is being achieved, as we continue to deliver absolute client focus.

“’As I do every year, I wish these newly-qualified solicitors the very best of success in their careers at Hewitsons and look forward to their long and fruitful futures within the firm. I also welcome our two new trainees to the firm and look forward to watching them professional develop.”

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