Transform your website with a grant of up to £150k

To help as many businesses as possible, Granite 5 has been investigating the grants available to help its existing and future clients during the current economic climate.

If you’re a small to a medium-sized registered company based in the Cambridge and Peterborough Combined Authority area, you could be eligible for a grant of up to 80% of the value of your digital project.

You could use this for a digital transformation - for example to launch a new online shop, digital product, or perhaps to deliver an app to make it easier to communicate with your customers. You can also use it for changes to your existing website.

The grant is offered by The Business Board, which is the new Local Enterprise Partnership for the Greater Cambridge Greater Peterborough area. For grants between £2,000 – £49,999, they will fund up to 80% of the total costs, and for grants between £50,000 – £150,000, they’ll fund up to 50% of the total costs.

Grantie 5 has spoken with Andy Byrne, Growth Hub Advisor and he’s confirmed the grants can be used for web development projects as long as they can show how one job will be protected or created for every £25,000 of grant funding.

To apply you will need to meet the following criteria:

  • Be a registered Limited Company
  • Turnover no higher than €46 million Euros (£39.5m)
  • Have between 5-249 employees – although there are exceptions for this if you make PPE
  • Have 3 years 'worth of accounts on Companies House

Full information can be found at

The team at Granite 5 would be happy to help you to plan the project outcomes and provide a breakdown of the project costs required for the application.

Of course, we would also love to work with you to deliver your new project should your funding application be successful.

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